- 1. Second National Workshop for Open Access: Research Data Management
- (Open Access (OA))
- On 21st of December, 2016, The Second National Open Access Workshop dedicated to the Research Data was hosted by the National Academy of Economic Sciences with all interested parties attending - the major ...
- Created on 17 January 2017
- 2. A new Strategy for Romanian Public Libraries
- (Newsflash)
- ... space for all Romanian public libraries. This digital space will be the agreggator for bibliographic data and Open Access scientific research resources at the national level. For more information there ...
- Created on 25 January 2015
- 3. Commission launches pilot to open up publicly funded research data
- (EU Agendas)
- Valuable information produced by researchers in many EU-funded projects will be shared freely as a result of a Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020. Researchers in projects participating in the ...
- Created on 17 December 2013
- 4. Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)
- (EU Projects)
- The grand vision for DARIAH is to facilitate long-term access to, and use of, all European Arts and Humanities (A+H) digital research data. The DARIAH infrastructure will be a connected network of people, ...
- Created on 27 March 2013
- 5. Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Big Data for culture, literacy and democracy
- (Recommendations)
- ... hand, the protection of memory, in order to avoid the risk of original documents being altered and historical research being impeded; call upon both public and private cultural institutions to use open ...
- Created on 29 September 2017
- 6. The new framework for Open Access actions in Romania
- (Open Access (OA))
- With great satisfaction we inform you that Open Access became in Romania the main „access to knowledge” as the brand new National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation promoted it. The last ...
- Created on 03 November 2014
- 7. Open Access to science and data = cash and economic bonanza
- (Newsflash)
- ... power of digital, nor to the potential of science. And we would certainly not be doing justice to taxpayers – who, after all, pay the biggest part of the research bill and deserve to benefit as fully as ...
- Created on 20 November 2013
- 8. IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994
- (Policies and advocacy)
- ... network must be designed in relation to national, regional, research and special libraries as well as libraries in schools, colleges and universities. Operation and management A clear policy must be ...
- Created on 09 July 2013
- 9. “The Dublin Innovation Declaration” manifesto: Ten point declaration to create more wealth, better welfare and improved wellbeing with Open Innovation 2.0
- (EU Agendas)
- ... in it making it work also in practise, a call to move from European Research Area to European Innovation Ecosystem; raising awareness of the importance of creating incentives to encourage openness to innovation ...
- Created on 27 May 2013
- 10. Cross-European survey to measure users’ perceptions of the benefits of ICT in public libraries - Final Report
- (Documents)
- ... an independent research company with a global presence, was commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation to conduct research across 17 EU countries to identify perceptions and types of use of public ...
- Created on 15 May 2013
- 11. research strategy
- (Tags)
- research strategy
- Created on 03 November 2014
- 12. The new framework for Open Access actions in Romania
- (Article tagged with: research strategy)
- With great satisfaction we inform you that Open Access became in Romania the main „access to knowledge” as the brand new National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation promoted it. The last ...
- Created on 03 November 2014
- 13. A new Strategy for Romanian Public Libraries
- (Article tagged with: research strategy)
- The National Association of Public Libraries and Librarians from Romania just released its brand new Development Strategy - 22th of January, 2015. One of the chapters aims towards building a common information ...
- Created on 25 January 2015