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Category: Projects presentations
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intalnireBrasovProiectMoldovaBergenTransilvaniaIn period April 11-13, 2013 Transilvania University hosted the meeting of the project "Development of New Information Services for Moldovan Higher Economic Education", funded by The Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education with Eurasia in partnership between the Academy of Economic Studies and the University of Bergen.

The contact between the institutions comes as part of us both cooperating with Prof. Dr. Angela Repanovici of Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. [ROM: Dezvoltarea noilor servicii informaţionale pentru Învăţământul Economic superior din Moldova]

Project coordinators are:
Ane Landoy, University Library of Bergen
Dr. Silvia Ghinculov, University Library of Chișinau

Project Objectives

• Maintaining and promoting the idea of informational insurance of the educational system under the Bologna process.
• Training highly skilled specialist oriented to European educational standards.
• Developing the Information Literacy as a possibility for improvement of the quality of higher education in the Republic of Moldova.
• Developing organizational, technical and operating infrastructure of the library processes in order to make these compatible with the state of the art standards of the knowledge and information society.

Sub goals
• Integration and institutional, national and international cooperation in higher education and science.
• Implementation of new ways of an effective professional collaboration.
• Implementation of innovative technology of self-archiving (Institutional Repositories), that present the possibility to scientists including the results of scientific researches in open electronic archive of the institution, that will allow to raise the visibility of AESM.
• Developing informational skills (Information Literacy) of teachers, scientists and students.
• Continued development of vocational skills and awareness of the role of the librarian in the use of information.

Key activities
• Studying English for librarians from Moldova.
• Studying of international experience (benchmarking) on the directions of activity of the project: IR technology, Information Literacy.
• Studying the information needs of users of the Scientific Library of the AESM in order to implement the course "Information Literacy" for all categories (students, Master's Degree students, Doctors' Degree students, teachers, researchers, other categories).
• Developing and implementation of curricula (5) for all categories of users based on the results of the research of information needs, educational and promotional materials.
• Creation of Institutional Repositories in AESM and associated products in the library (IR).
• The conference "Gender features of using training and scientific information".
• Creation of Norwegian Center of Culture and Information "Land of Fiords".

Expected results
• Internationalization and modernization of the activity of The Library AESM.
• Optimizing the quality of information services for users.
• Increasing the efficiency of the activity of economic education and research on the basis of IR and Information Literacy.
• Proficiency in English will increase the value of library professionals in the eyes of the consumer information and optimize the librarian-user interaction.
• Knowledge of English will become the denominator on the possibility of knowing the culture, history and traditions of Norway, as well as further cultural cooperation with various countries.