- 101. International trends in academic library development
- ... interest debated on the project platform: new trends in information service, marketing, scientometrics, bibliometrics, open access, digital institutional repositories, information literacy, research data ...
- Creat la 25 Ianuarie 2020
- 102. The UNESCO/PERSIST guidelines for the selection of digital heritage for long-term preservation
- ... now in jeopardy around the world due to the sheer volume of information which is created and shared every day in digital form.Digital technology, in dramatically easing the creation and distribution of ...
- Creat la 21 Noiembrie 2019
- 103. Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials
- ... The format has changed. Relevant information specific to defined imaging tasks has been grouped into individual chapters, along with guidance on how to apply the guidelines to specific tasks. These guidelines ...
- Creat la 20 Mai 2019
- 104. Data Librarian, the Steward
- Publicat prima dată în Revista Română de Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării = Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science la http://www.rrbsi.ro/index.php/rrbsi/article/view/73 https://doi.org/10.26660/rrbsi.2018.14.4.113 ...
- Creat la 07 Mai 2019
- 105. Definition of FRBRoo: A Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information in Object-Oriented Formalism
- FRBROO is an ontology or high-level conceptual model for bibliographic data. It is described in the document: Definition of FRBROO : a Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information in Object-Oriented ...
- Creat la 08 Iulie 2018
- 106. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Abstract Model
- ... natura componentelor utilizate și descrie modul în care acele componente sunt combinate pentru a crea structuri informaționale. Acesta oferă un model informațional care este independent de orice sintaxă ...
- Creat la 08 Iulie 2018
- Această practică recomandată definește Modelul de Referință pentru un OAIS - Open Archival Information System. Numărul curent include clarificarea a mai multor concepte. În particular sunt vizate cele ...
- Creat la 31 August 2012
- 108. Romanian Reference Librarians - survey Nov 2011
- ... is increasingly replaced by information department. One of the well-known “reference departments” may be deemed the traditional reference system, which is “Ask the Librarian” in which the user physically ...
- Creat la 25 Mai 2012
- 109. Integrarea logo-ului culturii informatiei - un manual de marketing
- ... MEXIC – 2009 Traducere în limba română: Delia Pantea - bibliotecar metodist, Biblioteca Județeană „Gheorghe Șincai”, Oradea Nicolaie Constantinescu - arhitect informațional, Comunitatea Kosson ...
- Creat la 11 Ianuarie 2012
- 110. Public Libraries, access points to e-government services for millions of Romanians
- Public Libraries, access points to e-government services for millions of Romanians Public libraries in Romania can serve now to develop e-government services and reach citizens in isolated communities, ...
- Creat la 07 Aprilie 2011
- 111. Adapting the information professionals to the universe of digital collections universe
- Libraries, Archives and Museums (LAMs) should respond as one articulated entity to the user informational needs and to the demands of the scholarly electronic communication. LAMs are stepping forward into ...
- Creat la 15 Iulie 2010
- 112. DIRECTIVA 2001/29/CE dreptului de autor si drepturilor conexe
- DIRECTIVA 2001/29/CE A PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN SI A CONSILIULUI din 22 mai 2001 privind armonizarea anumitor aspecte ale dreptului de autor si drepturilor conexe în societatea informationala
- Creat la 04 August 2008
- 113. information science
- (Etichete)
- information science
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020
- 114. information literacy
- (Etichete)
- information literacy
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020
- 115. information technology
- (Etichete)
- information technology
- Creat la 25 Ianuarie 2020
- 116. common information space
- (Etichete)
- common information space
- Creat la 25 Ianuarie 2015
- 117. 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy
- (Articol etichetate cu: information science)
- The Role of Information in Services Provided to Innovative Users 15 - 16 September 2020, Brașov, Romania https://www.icisil2020.com The conference will be organized by Transilvania University of ...
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020
- 118. 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy
- (Articol etichetate cu: information literacy)
- The Role of Information in Services Provided to Innovative Users 15 - 16 September 2020, Brașov, Romania https://www.icisil2020.com The conference will be organized by Transilvania University of ...
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020
- 119. 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy
- (Articol etichetate cu: information technology)
- The Role of Information in Services Provided to Innovative Users 15 - 16 September 2020, Brașov, Romania https://www.icisil2020.com The conference will be organized by Transilvania University of ...
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020
- 120. 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy
- (Articol etichetate cu: common information space)
- The Role of Information in Services Provided to Innovative Users 15 - 16 September 2020, Brașov, Romania https://www.icisil2020.com The conference will be organized by Transilvania University of ...
- Creat la 07 Februarie 2020