- 61. ASSETS
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Prelucrare Patrimoniului Cultural)
- Information retrieval services Similarity Search 3D Models ASSETS: 3D search demo, Annotation Propagation, Audio Search, Classification, image search demo, Knowledge Extration, Manual Annotation Tool, Metadata ...
- Creat la 22 Iulie 2012
- 62. Art4europe
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Prelucrare Patrimoniului Cultural)
- iTraff Technology: Tomasz Grzywalski, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Jakub Porzuczek, Marcin Szajek Hackathon winner Unreleased prototype, but will be open source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6PEz2d7OLE; ...
- Creat la 22 Iulie 2012
- 63. Russian Information Library Consortium
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Cataloage colective)
- Catalog colectiv pentru cinci dintre cele mai mari biblioteci din Rusia.
- Creat la 16 Iulie 2012
- 64. Mapping Du Bois
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... book, The Philadelphia Negro. In addition to introducing students to the power of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping and the fun of analyzing primary historical documents, we aim to draw ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 65. Societatea informationala - Europa
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Uniunea Europeană)
- Instrumentul de implementare a Declaratiei de la Lisabona din 2000: "to make Europe the world's most competitive and dynamic economy, characterised by sustainable growth, more and better jobs and greater ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 66. Mapping Medieval Chester
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... One particularly innovative dimension of this is the project's use of information technologies both as a means of exploring these 'mappings' of medieval Chester, for example through the use and development ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 67. Mapping The Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- The aim of the project is to map the Jewish presence in the Byzantine empire using GIS (Geographical Information Systems). All information (published and unpublished) about the Jewish communities will ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 68. Mapping the Lakes
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- 'Mapping the Lakes' is a collaborative and explorative research project. Funded by the British Academy, the pilot project tests whether Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology can be used to further ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the Greek and Roman World in digital form.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 70. The area told as a story
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... be used as the source for a database. This database will represent a model of the geographical information I read from the text.This model will be a version of the geographical information in the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 71. Information Society Technologies
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Uniunea Europeană)
- Acest program defineste obiectivele, planul de implementare si criteriile care vor fi utilizate in domeniul european al cercetarii.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 72. A Vision of Britain through Time
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... Historical GIS Project ("GIS" stands for "Geographical Information System"). We are based in the Department of Geography of the University of Portsmouth. More information about the project, and about historical ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 73. Visualizing Early Washington DC
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- UMBC’s Imaging Research Center (IRC) is working to re-create Washington DC in its early years 1790-1820. Remarkably little visual information remains from this time period. What began as a simple effort ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 74. Visualizing Urban Geographies
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Visualising Urban Geographies is a project that provides mapping tools for historians. It enables them to use digitized and geo-referenced maps in conjunction with historical information based on either ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 75. Archive Ouverte en Sciences de l\'Information et de la Communicatio
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Științele Informației OA)
- Arhiva deschisa in domeniul Stiintelor Informarii
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 76. ODLIS - Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Dicționare online)
- Acest dictionar online, care a capatat si forma tiparita se poate constitui intr-un instrument de lucru foarte valoros pentru comunitatea LIS romaneasca.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 77. US National Security Archive
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Internet - reglementare & libertăți)
- Mi s-a parut interesant modul in care sunt folosite documente oficiale devenite "public domain". "As a part of its mission to broaden access to the historical record, the Archive is also a leading advocate ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 78. The Institute for Information Law (IViR)
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Internet - reglementare & libertăți)
- Institutul pentru Legislatia Informatiei / IviR The Institute for Information Law (IViR), officially established in 1989, is one of the largest research centers in the field of information law in the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 79. ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Internet - reglementare & libertăți)
- Agencia Europeana pentru Securitatea Retelelor si a Informatiei
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 80. ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Cataloage colective)
- Centrul Informational de resurse educationale
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001