- 61. A Basic guide to open educational resources (OER)
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Resurse Educaționale Deschise)
- Corporate author: Commonwealth of Learning (Canada) Person as author: Butcher, Neil, Kanwar, Asha, Uvalic-Trumbic, Stamenka ISBN: 978-1-894975-41-4 Collation: 133 p. Language: English Also available in: Español ...
- Creat la 03 Aprilie 2019
- 62. Michael Culture Association
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Asociații profesionale)
- Michael Culture Association is not-for-profit organisation, founded in July 2007. The association is established under Belgian law (AISBL - Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif). It was ...
- Creat la 12 Iulie 2013
- 63. Information World - Bilgi Dünyası
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Reviste și depozite digitale)
- Information World is a refereed journal published by the University and Research Librarians Association (UNAK). It appears twice a year and distributed free of charge to UNAK members. Information World ...
- Creat la 12 Iunie 2013
- 64. Italian Journal of Library and information science
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Reviste și depozite digitale)
- JLIS.it, Italian Journal of Library and information science, is an academic journal of international scope, peer-reviewed and open access, aiming to valorise international research in Library and Information ...
- Creat la 06 Martie 2013
- 65. EADitor
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Prelucrare Patrimoniului Cultural)
- EADitor is an XForms framework for creating, editing, managing, and publishing Encoded Archival Description (EAD) finding aids. Ethan Gruber, American Numismatic Society http://code.google.com/p/eaditor/ ...
- Creat la 22 Iulie 2012
- 66. BHL Scan List
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Prelucrare Patrimoniului Cultural)
- ThoughtLab, Licenta: BSD Information retrieval services
- Creat la 22 Iulie 2012
- 67. Societatea informationala - Europa
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Uniunea Europeană)
- Instrumentul de implementare a Declaratiei de la Lisabona din 2000: "to make Europe the world's most competitive and dynamic economy, characterised by sustainable growth, more and better jobs and greater ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 68. Mapping History Project
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- The modules in this section on European history were developed by historians at the University of Oregon and the Universität Münster. The editors: James Mohr and John Nicols, Department of History, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 69. Mapping Shakespeare's Londo
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... and Jennifer Young, Paul Vetch, Beatriz Caballero and Geoffroy Noel at the Centre for Computing and the Humanities, Professor Josephine McDonagh, Head of the English Department, and all the members of ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 70. Mapping The Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- The aim of the project is to map the Jewish presence in the Byzantine empire using GIS (Geographical Information Systems). All information (published and unpublished) about the Jewish communities will ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 71. Mapping the Medieval Urban Landscape Project
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... at the plans of the towns themselves to map out how they came into being. This work is important as the middle ages is the key period of European urbanisation, when many towns and cities were established ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 72. Records of Early English Drama
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Professional performers of all kinds in England and Wales toured to provincial towns, monasteries and private residences before 1642. The Records of Early English Drama (REED) project is discovering fresh ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 73. Salem Witch Trials
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... University of Binghamton. Together with a team of scholars, Professor Rosenthal is undertaking a new transcription of the original court records, titled Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt, to be published ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 74. Visualizing Urban Geographies
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Visualising Urban Geographies is a project that provides mapping tools for historians. It enables them to use digitized and geo-referenced maps in conjunction with historical information based on either ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 75. oss4lib
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Cataloage de software)
- O lista compilata a resurselor opensource destinate bibliotecilor. Sunt prezente cele mai importante proiecte opensource dedicate domeniului.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 76. ODLIS - Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Dicționare online)
- Acest dictionar online, care a capatat si forma tiparita se poate constitui intr-un instrument de lucru foarte valoros pentru comunitatea LIS romaneasca.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 77. The Institute for Information Law (IViR)
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Internet - reglementare & libertăți)
- Institutul pentru Legislatia Informatiei / IviR The Institute for Information Law (IViR), officially established in 1989, is one of the largest research centers in the field of information law in the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 78. the Data Hub
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- ... collected. Depending on the type of data (and its conditions of use), the Data Hub may also be able to store a copy of the data or host it in a database, and provide some basic visualisation tools. ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 79. Ckan
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- CKAN is the open-source data portal software. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and find data. It provides a powerful database for cataloging and storing datasets, with an intuitive web front-end and ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 80. Lista bibliotecilor naționale de pe glob
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Resurse profesionale)
- Lista cu adresa tuturor bibliotecilor naționale.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001