- 81. Catalogul Colectiv al bibliotecilor din Norvegia
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Cataloage colective)
- Bibsys-Catalogul Colectiv al bibliotecilor din Norvegia, în limba engleza
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 82. Linked Data Cookbook
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise)
- ... citizens, the Web has become a natural place to publish information for public dissemination. The wide availability of Web clients, be they on mobile phones, laptop or desktop computers, tablets or ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 83. Lista ISBD-urilor
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Resurse profesionale)
- Lista ISBD-urilor în limba romană. Link vechi: http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/nd1/isbdlist-ro.htm Link pe site-ul BCU București: http://www.bcub.ro/home/resurse-web/ebooks-1/ebooks1
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 84. Open data: an international comparison of strategies
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise)
- ... underlying these strategies is that the publishing of government data in a reusable format can strengthen citizen engagement and yield new innovative businesses. However, as these open data strategies ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise)
- The Open Government Data movement which recently becomes visible in various countries promotes openness for public sector information. This is often materialised with public sector catalogues becoming ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 86. Public Geospatial Data Project
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Promote the use of open geospatial formats Providing best-practise guidelines and examples for use of open and free standards for data (GML, WMS, WFS-T) and metadata (Dublin Core, RDF, ISO19115 through ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 87. Elisabeta Rizea
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Restitutio)
- Alaturi de familia Arnautoilor, a parintelui Ion Dragoi si de majoritatea satenilor, Elisabeta Rizea a fost simbolul rezistentei taranului roman in fata Evului Mediu comunist.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 88. Digital Agenda: Turning government data into gold
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Politici UE)
- ... are sitting on a goldmine of unrealised economic potential: the large volumes of information collected by numerous public authorities and services. Member States such as the United Kingdom and France ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 89. Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- This book gives an overview of the principles of Linked Data as well as the Web of Data that has emerged through the application of these principles. The book discusses patterns for publishing Linked Data, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 90. Arhivele Militare Romane
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Arhive)
- ... organizează manifestări ştiinţifice de promovare a tradiţiilor Armatei Române; contribuie la dezvoltarea bibliotecii istorice, fondului memorialistic şi a fototecii prin achiziţii, donaţii etc. consiliază ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 91. EU Structural Funds in Poland
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Nivel Instituțional)
- Fonduri structurale in Polonia
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 92. Institut National des Techniques de la Documentation
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Uncategorised)
- ... ses partenaires. Depuis 1950, l'Institut National des Techniques de la Documentation forme des spécialistes de l'information - documentation en lien étroit avec la profession. Les 5500 diplômés de l'INTD-Cnam ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 93. Belgian historical GIS
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... It is possible to visualise the statistical data at different points of time at different territorial levels, ranging from province to municipality, using the historical borders which are valid for the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 94. Chinese Civilization in Time and Space
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... and temporal-based applications This, we hope, will establish a feedback mechanism of continuously collecting research and application results to fertilize the contents of this system and elaborate the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 95. Colonial Despatches
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- This digital archive contains the original correspondence between the British Colonial Office and the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia. This project aims to digitize and publish online ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 96. Digital Atlas of Indonesian History
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- This work is based on the author’s landmark Historical Atlas of Indonesia (published in 2000) but has been expanded and updated with over 150 new maps, a new chapter, and other revisions and corrections. ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 97. The Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- In 1958, Sinologist Hope Wright published a work entitled An Alphabetical List of Geographical Names in Sung China. Originally published in Paris by the Centre de Recherches Historiques of the École Pratique ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 98. Project HESTIA: the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Imaging Archive
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Therefore, HESTIA aims to enrich the discussion of space that is ongoing in classical scholarship, as evidenced by a specialist panel at the 2007 Classical Association Conference dedicated to exploring ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 99. Data Librarian, the Steward
- ... Economy (European Commission 2017a). The aim is to build a common European data space a transformative space even for the information science specialists. Objectives. The study is investigative in nature ...
- Creat la 07 Mai 2019
- 100. Ghid de identificare a publicațiilor pseudoștiințifice
- ... scop să ofere utilizatorului câteva repere ale unei teme noi și aproape deloc discutate în România. Cei care își doresc să aprofundeze acest subiect vor putea folosi lista de Resurse utile și bibliografia ...
- Creat la 28 Ianuarie 2019