- 81. Google Ancient Places
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... place and want to find the books; in the second, you have the book and want to discover the places. And you’ll be able to do this either as a scholar whose research has a historical or geographical basis, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 82. International trends in academic library development
- ... interest debated on the project platform: new trends in information service, marketing, scientometrics, bibliometrics, open access, digital institutional repositories, information literacy, research data ...
- Creat la 25 Ianuarie 2020
- 83. Data Librarian, the Steward
- ... framework indicating requirements, skills and competencies needed by the librarians to achieve new cross-disciplinary engagements with patrons and the research environment. Methods. Because this study ...
- Creat la 07 Mai 2019
- 84. Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress
- ... researcher services, the United States Copyright Office, the Congressional Research Service, and the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Digital technology enables us to ...
- Creat la 17 Ianuarie 2019
- 85. Where To Keep Research Data Versiunea 1
- Whyte, A. (2015). ‘Where to keep research data: DCC checklist for evaluating data repositories’ v.1 Edinburgh: Digital Curation Centre. Available online: www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/how-guides - See more at: ...
- Creat la 06 Ianuarie 2016
- 86. Review of Data Management Lifecycle Models
- The requirements specified by the REDm-MED Project for data management plans will be assembled both from a ‘bottom-up’ elicitation process involving researchers and academics, and ‘topdown’ from funder ...
- Creat la 23 Octombrie 2012
- 87. Romanian Reference Librarians - survey Nov 2011
- ... by the American researcher Bil Katz, more than thirty years ago: “The reference department is a question-answering service”. This definition is also valid nowadays, when the term of reference department ...
- Creat la 25 Mai 2012
- 88. LIBER - Making the case for European Research Libraries
- http://www.libereurope.eu LIBER este o re?ea de profesioni?ti care ac?ioneaz? ca ?ind vocea comunit??ii bibliotecilor de cercetare europene. De statutul de membru se bucur? o gam? larg? de biblioteci de ...
- Creat la 02 Mai 2012
- 89. Integrarea logo-ului culturii informatiei - un manual de marketing
- Integrarea logo-ului culturii informației - un manual de marketing Draft - Decembrie 2009 IFLA - Secțiunea pentru Cultura Informației / UNESCO Pregătit de:* Jesus Lau Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. / www.jesuslau.com ...
- Creat la 11 Ianuarie 2012
- 90. Adapting the information professionals to the universe of digital collections universe
- ... the user and empowering the researcher. There are important questions that future digital stewardship raises related to how the professional profile will look like for those powering the specialised structures ...
- Creat la 15 Iulie 2010
- 91. open research data
- (Etichete)
- open research data
- Creat la 17 Ianuarie 2017
- 92. research data
- (Etichete)
- research data
- Creat la 17 Ianuarie 2017
- 93. research data management
- (Etichete)
- research data management
- Creat la 06 Ianuarie 2016
- 94. research strategy
- (Etichete)
- research strategy
- Creat la 03 Noiembrie 2014
- 95. Second National Workshop for Open Access: Research Data Management
- (Articol etichetate cu: open research data)
- On 21st of December, 2016, The Second National Open Access Workshop dedicated to the Research Data was hosted by the National Academy of Economic Sciences with all interested parties attending - the major ...
- Creat la 31 Ianuarie 2017
- 96. Second National Workshop for Open Access: Research Data Management
- (Articol etichetate cu: research data)
- On 21st of December, 2016, The Second National Open Access Workshop dedicated to the Research Data was hosted by the National Academy of Economic Sciences with all interested parties attending - the major ...
- Creat la 31 Ianuarie 2017
- 97. Second National Workshop for Open Access: Research Data Management
- (Articol etichetate cu: research data management)
- On 21st of December, 2016, The Second National Open Access Workshop dedicated to the Research Data was hosted by the National Academy of Economic Sciences with all interested parties attending - the major ...
- Creat la 31 Ianuarie 2017
- 98. Second National Workshop for Open Access: Research Data Management
- (Articol etichetate cu: research strategy)
- On 21st of December, 2016, The Second National Open Access Workshop dedicated to the Research Data was hosted by the National Academy of Economic Sciences with all interested parties attending - the major ...
- Creat la 31 Ianuarie 2017