- 61. OpenStack: The Open Source Cloud Operating System
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Tehnologii Cloud)
- OpenStack Software este un sistem de operare scalabil de tip cloud. OpenStack are potențialul de a controla resurse computaționale, de stocare și de rețea prin intermediul unui centru de date. Toate ...
- Creat la 17 Iulie 2012
- 62. HyperCities
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... to use the tools of interactive “time mapping.” With HyperCities, you can explore social, cultural, and political history in Los Angeles over time. The site can be accessed from a web-browser in any school, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 63. Locating London's Pas
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- Locating London’s Past will create an intuitive Geographical Interface System (GIS) that will enable researchers to map and visualize textual and artefactual data relating to seventeenth and eighteenth-century ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 64. Mapping the Gulag
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- This is the first attempt to map, systematically, the changing geography of Russia's penal institutions over an eighty-year period from the 1930s to the present day. This website is one element of a research ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 65. Mapping The Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... be gathered and collated. The data will be incorporated in a GIS which will be made freely available to the general public on the world-wide-web. Joshua Starr’s Jews in the Byzantine Empire consists ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 66. Regnum Francorum Online
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- This is a website about visualizing early medieval Europe 614-840 on maps. Here you will find interactive maps of the Frankish kingdom, activities of Merovingian and Carolingian kings, donations of the ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 67. The Valley of the Shadow
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- ... many other history websites. It is more like a library than a single book. There is no "one" story in the Valley Project. Rather, what you'll find are thousands of letters and diaries, census and government ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 68. A Vision of Britain through Time
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- A Vision of Britain through Time brings together historical surveys of Britain to create a record of how the country and its localities have changed. It was created by Humphrey Southall and the Great Britain ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 69. Exploit Interactiv - Exploit Project`s Pan- European web magazine
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Uniunea Europeană)
- Masura auxiliara destinata sa promoveze rezultatul proiectelor bibliotecii Uniunii Europene.
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 70. Biblioteca Judeteana „Alexandru D. Xenopol” Arad
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Biblioteci)
- ... web anterioară: http://www.aradlibrary.org/ Biblioteca judeteana din Arad contine carti rare si periodice aparute între anii 1481 1900 în limbile latina,franceza,germana,maghiara,italiana, greaca veche, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 71. the Data Hub
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- the Data Hub is a community-run catalogue of useful sets of data on the Internet. You can collect links here to data from around the web for yourself and others to use, or search for data that others have ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 72. Ckan
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- CKAN is the open-source data portal software. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and find data. It provides a powerful database for cataloging and storing datasets, with an intuitive web front-end and ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 73. Open Data Portals
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise)
- Open Data portals are one aspect in facilitating access to and re-use of public sector information. Citizens and business sometimes find it difficult to identify what type of information exists and by ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 74. Linked Data Cookbook
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise)
- The World Wide Web of 2011 is a mature and trusted information system, allowing its broad adoption even by laggards. As an information system owned by no one and yet open to vendors, governments and private ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 75. Lista ISBD-urilor
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Resurse profesionale)
- Lista ISBD-urilor în limba romană. Link vechi: http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/nd1/isbdlist-ro.htm Link pe site-ul BCU București: http://www.bcub.ro/home/resurse-web/ebooks-1/ebooks1
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 76. Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- This book gives an overview of the principles of Linked Data as well as the Web of Data that has emerged through the application of these principles. The book discusses patterns for publishing Linked Data, ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 77. Linked Data for Web Developers
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- the book from Web developers for Web developers. You learn how to use Linked Data in your Web applications using JavaScript, PHP, and Python. Check out the Table of Contents now - in 10 chapters we cover ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 78. Linked Open Data: The Essentials
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Date Deschise Conectate - Linked Open Data)
- A Quick Start Guide for Decision Makers
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 79. Cultur@ pe NET
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Comunități profesionale BAM - bloguri & portaluri)
- Platforma Cultura pe Net este alcatuita din 86 site-uri web, cate unul pentru fiecare Institutie de Cultura subordonata Ministerului Culturii si Cultelor din Romania si un site web de administrare central ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001
- 80. Addressing History
- (Căutare - Link-uri web / Digital Humanities GIS)
- The AddressingHistory is a website and API which combines data from digitised historical Scottish Post Office Directories (PODs) with contemporaneous historical maps. The website and API were developed ...
- Creat la 30 Noiembrie -0001