Parent: Newsflashes
Category: Newsflash
Hits: 5214

Audiovisual citation coverThe BUFVC guidelines, launched on 27 March 2013, are designed to encourage best practice in citing any kind of audiovisual item.

They cover: film; television programmes; radio programmes; audio recordings; DVD extras; clips; trailers; adverts; idents; non-broadcast, amateur and archive material; podcasts; vodcasts; and games.


Download an interactive PDF version here: Audiovisual Citation Guidelines

(Depending on how your internet browser is set-up, you may need to right-click the link to save the PDF)
This is the first edition of the guidelines and it will be reviewed periodically. The BUFVC welcomes comments and feedback via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or join the discussion by tweeting @bufvc.

Organisations that may wish to include the guidelines within their own website will be able to download an HTML version (available soon)


This work by the British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales license.