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To enable better networking and collaboration in agriculture, AgriVIVO, managed by the GFAR Secretariat and developed jointly with Cornell University and FAO, has been launched:

AgriVIVO is a search portal built to facilitate connections between all actors in the agricultural field, bridging across separately hosted directories and online communities.


AgriVIVO is built on top of VIVO, created as a research-focused discovery tool that enables ready collaboration among scientists across all disciplines at Cornell University. VIVO enables users to browse across information on people, Institutions/departments, grants, research activities, focus areas and publications following an ontology-based navigation. VIVO is now used well beyond Cornell, funded by the US National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health and adopted by the US Department of Agriculture, and is aligning with other major international initiatives like CERIF - Common European Research Information Format - and CASRAI - Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information.


AgriVIVO customizes the VIVO model to better suit the organization of agricultural research for development and integrates data relevant to agricultural research and knowledge management from several institutional or community databases, focusing on the relationships between people, organizations, projects, events, topics and geographic location.


AgriVIVO version 1.0 consists of a VIVO database with data provided by a first group of partner Institutions and initiatives, and an AgriVIVO search engine. The initial data collected in AgriVIVO are about people, organizations and events, linked with geographic locations and areas of expertise.


Institutions, projects, or initiatives that manage data about people, organizations and events and are interested in contributing data to AgriVIVO can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


If you want your profile to be featured in AgriVIVO and you are a member of one of the participating communities (AIMS, e-Agriculture, IAALD, YPARD and the EGFAR web space – more at, you can have your profile included in AgriVIVO by editing your profile in that community and ticking the corresponding AgriVIVO checkbox. This feature has either been already implemented or is going to be implemented soon in all the participating communities.


In the AIMS community, you already have this option!


Note that profiles are imported into AgriVIVO at monthly intervals, so you will only see your profile there after the next import.


For more information on how your data are treated in AgriVIVO, read the AgriVIVO terms of use:

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