Parent: Newsflashes
Category: Newsflash
Hits: 5554


These Reviews complement the textual reviews found in The American Archivist. Specifically, the Reviews Portal is envisioned as an extension of the reviews section found in the journal, but with a more specific focus: digital (and digitized) archival content, and its related resources.SocietyOfAmericanArchivists logo


The content found here will primarily consist of slightly shorter reviews (500 to 750 words) than those found in the journal, and focus on digital and digitized archival content, tools, and resources utilized in that capacity. To lend initial guidance and consistency, reviewed items will be evaluated in part against several notions set forth in the plenary address given by John Voss during the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, including:


  1. How does the resource connect and effectively tell the story between documents and records, their data, and the record creators?
  2. How does the resource highlight the role of archivist as DJ? If successful in this role, the resource takes a variety of information and turns it into a mashup, presenting the often-disparate information into a single, cohesive user experience. John Voss presented the example of a musical mashup, taking various elements from several songs, resulting in the creation of a new, unified musical experience.
  3. Does the resource create its own archival content community through the use of nodes (data/documents/content) and links (relationships/connections)?


If you are interested in writing a review for the Reviews Portal, please contact Alexandra Orchard (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Amy Cooper Cary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Also, see Resources and Tools for a list of potential site, resources, and tools for review.