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Facultad de Ciencias,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

August 19, 2013 – August 21, 2013

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) are pleased to announce the Fourth International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference, which will be held from August 19 - 21, 2013 in Mexico City, Mexico.

This is the first time that the PKP Conference is being held in Latin America, a region of the world that publishes almost exclusively in Open Access. The conference will provide a unique opportunity for exchange on innovative work in scholarly publishing, with a focus on the contributions of open source technologies. We look forward to hosting editors, publishers, librarians, researchers, developers, content aggregators, and PKP’s growing user community from around the world.

Previous International PKP Scholarly Publishing conferences have brought together a remarkable array of presentations and participants from around the world. We anticipate an equally valuable experience in 2013.