- 1. Policies and advocacy
- (Category)
- Here we reflect through documents: position papers, manifestos, declarations, etc., all the policies facets intertwined with advocacy components.
- Created on 09 July 2013
- 2. European Parliament Written Declaration 0016/2013 - MEPs need to vote
- (EU Agendas)
- European Parliament Written Declaration 0016/2013 (registered on the 7th of October 2013) recognises the essential services offered by public libraries in communities across the EU which provide opportunities ...
- Created on 11 November 2013
- 3. Vienna Declaration
- (Policies and advocacy)
- At the joint conference of EBLIDA and NAPLE Forum, held in Vienna in May 2009, it was agreed to strengthen the role and potential of the library service throughout Europe in supporting the European Knowledge ...
- Created on 09 July 2013
- 4. “The Dublin Innovation Declaration” manifesto: Ten point declaration to create more wealth, better welfare and improved wellbeing with Open Innovation 2.0
- (EU Agendas)
- ... of “The Dublin Innovation Declaration”. This ten point declaration, drafted with the intention of harnessing innovation and technology to bring about job creation, will be presented to José Manuel Barroso, ...
- Created on 27 May 2013
- 5. The Hangzhou Declaration: Heralding the next era of human development
- (Newsflash)
- Calling for a new approach toward sustainable development, the "Hangzhou Declaration" advocates for placing culture at the heart of public policy. The Declaration urges governments, civil society and the ...
- Created on 20 May 2013
- 6. Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Big Data for culture, literacy and democracy
- (Recommendations)
- ... this regard, access to legally deposited digital heritage materials, within reasonable restrictions, should also be assured; Taking into account the Final Declaration of the 25th session of the Council ...
- Created on 29 September 2017
- 7. Open Access to science and data = cash and economic bonanza
- (Newsflash)
- ... the greatest tool for sharing information ever invented. The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, 10 years ago, recognised just that. I quote: "The Internet has ...
- Created on 20 November 2013
- 8. Berlin Open Access Conference
- (Newsflash)
- [...] In order to support continued adoption of the principles outlined in the Berlin Declaration, as well as to track progress on their implementation, the original signatories agreed to support ...
- Created on 11 November 2013
- 9. the hague declaration
- (Tags)
- the hague declaration
- Created on 09 May 2015
- 10. Declarația de la Haga privind descoperirea cunoașterii în Era Digitală
- (Article tagged with: the hague declaration)
- Viziune Noi credem că această Declarație are puterea să transforme practica cercetării etice, reforma legislativă și dezvoltarea politicilor de acces deschis și a infrastructurii. Vă invităm să oferiți ...
- Created on 09 May 2015