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In preparation to H2020, the European Commission (DG CONNECT) has put together a Framework for Action addressing the area of Research Data e-Infrastructures.
The “Action Fiches” propose concrete domains of action. They aim at realising the European vision for a global interoperable data e-infrastructure supporting open, digital-driven, science (note that High Performance Computing and Distributed Computing as such are outside the scope of this consultation).

By means of a public consultation the European Commission would like to get reactions on strengths, coverage, gaps etc in order to improve and fine tune the framework for action.


LIBER, COAR and OpenAIRE strongly support the development of an open, interoperable e-infrastructure for scientific data through the engagement of the relevant actors, including libraries and repositories supporting researchers in their scientific endeavor. This framework for action is highly relevant, both for the success of data driven science and also the uptake and impact of open access policies and initiatives. It recognises the changing nature of research and the importance of engaging the whole stakeholder ecosystem in the development and integration of research data e-infrastructures.