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GeoDia (jee-oh-DEE-uh, short for "geodiachronicity") is intended to provide a simple, intuitive way for people to visualize the temporal, geographic, and material aspects of ancient Mediterranean civilizations.

It uses a mashup of MIT's Simile Timeline and Google Maps APIs to display the important archaeological sites and historical events of the ancient Mediterranean world in both space and time, and uses the Digital Archives Services (DASe) infrastructure to integrate visual resources associated with those archaeological sites during specific historical and art-historical periods. The user can browse sites or events by region or culture, or search for specific sites, events, or images. The results will be displayed in their spatial and temporal context on the map and the timeline. Results sets can be managed, shared, and exported to KML. GeoDia is the result of a two-year long project proposed and directed by Adam Rabinowitz, assistant professor of Classics and assistant director of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at University of Texas at Austin, with the generous support of the Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services. Programming for the interface and the underlying database was carried out by Stuart Ross of LAITS. GeoDia uses the timemap.js library developed by Nick Rabinowitz and the DASe infrastructure developed by Peter Keane for the Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at UT Austin.