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The internet – service is the first to offer Russian users a set of services which completely realize the technology of testing textual documents on the subject of borrowings from the freely accessible net sources.
The functional nucleus of the system Antiplagiat operates with the unique algorithms worked out by Russian scientists, which insures a fast and effective search for the loaned pieces, and also guarantees a proper processing of Russian texts.
The strategic aim of the project Antiplagiat is to secure the increase of quality of Russian education and scientific research, mainly in cases when creativity is demanded in processes like abstracts - , year papers-, diploma works- and dissertations writing. This aim is achieved by impelling students to do independent search instead of compilation on the given subject from different sources.
The Internet service was started in September 2005. For the first time, the usage of the system Antiplagiat was included into the compulsory educational process of the Higher Education Institution in November 2005. At the Fifth Competition of Russian Innovations in 2006, the project got a Minsviazi RF Award for “The Best Telecommunications Project”. In summer 2006, the Council of the Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of RF agreed to recommend to its members the service usage. In June 2007 the usage of the Internet – service at Higher Education Institutions was approved by the Council of Education Quality of Rosobrnadzor RF [the Russian Education Supervising]. By July 2007, there was worked out and started functioning the system of obligatory plagiarism – testing for all dissertations and abstracts, adapted to the needs of the Higher Attestation Committee. In June 2008, the specialized variant of the Antiplagiat system was installed at the Russian State Library.
Nowadays, the system is widely used by such institutions as the Higher Economics School , Moscow Economics, Management and Law Institute, Moscow City Psychology and Pedagogy University, Moscow State Teacher - Training University, the Modern Human Culture Academy, and others. More than 100,000 users in Russia and abroad operate with the Internet – service.
The Antiplagiat system was created and is supported by the company Forecsys.