Accesări: 767
Centrul Tarilor Nordice pentru Informare in domeniul cercetarii Media si al Comunicarii / NORDICOM
NORDICOM is a knowledge centre for the area of media and communication research, a cooperation between the five countries of the Nordic region - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Starting from academic research, Nordicom collects and adapts knowledge, mediating it to various user groups in the Nordic region, Europe and elsewhere in the world. Nordicom's work aims at developing media studies and at helping to ensure that research results are made visible in the treatment of media issues at different levels in both the public and private sector. Nordicom is an institution that operates under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers
Accesări: 769
Institutul pentru Legislatia Informatiei / IviR
The Institute for Information Law (IViR), officially established in 1989, is one of the largest research centers in the field of information law in the world. The Institute employs over 25 researchers who are active in an entire spectrum of information society related legal areas: intellectual property law, patents, telecommunications and broadcasting regulation, media law, Internet regulation, advertising law, domain names, freedom of expression, privacy, digital consumer issues, commercial speech, et cetera.
The institute’s mission is to further the development of information law into a balanced framework that accommodates the needs and interests of the information society. The Institute engages in cutting-edge research into fundamental and topical aspects of information law, and provides a forum for critical debate about the social, cultural and political aspects of regulating information markets.
The Institute’s international orientation is reflected in its international staff as well as various international co-operations and partnerships. Adding to the international atmosphere of the Institute, visiting scholars from all over the world regularly spend time at the Institute.
The Institute for Information Law is affiliated with the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam