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LD4L este un proiect colaborativ între Biblioteca Universității Cornell, Laboratorul pentru Inovații al Bibliotecii Harvard și Bibliotecile Universității Stanford. Este un proiect finanțat cu 1 milion de dolari de Fundația Andrew W. Mellon.

Welcome to the project wiki-space for the Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) project. The project is a collaboration of the Cornell University Library, the Harvard Library Innovation Lab, and the Stanford University Libraries, and is funded by a nearly $1 million two-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The goal of the project is to create a Scholarly Resource Semantic Information Store (SRSIS) model that works both within individual institutions and through a coordinated, extensible network of Linked Open Data to capture the intellectual value that librarians and other domain experts and scholars add to information resources when they describe, annotate, organize, select, and use those resources, together with the social value evident from patterns of usage.

Our intent is to do so using existing ontologies and Open Source technology.